Thinking Beyond the Cash Register

Thinking Beyond the Cash Register

Thinking Beyond the Cash Register

Utility companies have the option to do a lot more than just provide homes and buildings with access to water, gas, and electricity these days. Through the use of philanthropic and educational efforts, public utilities are showing that they genuinely care about and contribute to the communities they serve.

For the most part, the only interaction people have with their utility company is when they’re paying their bill, along with starting/stopping service. As a pretty straightforward interaction, it’s one that invokes no feeling on either party involved. However, it seems utilities have become aware of this and are looking to transform people’s opinion on their company’s persona.

Utility services aside, here are the actions that actual utilities are taking in order to stand out and make a difference:

  • Creating and/or selling fertilizer
  • Hosting festivals
  • Investing in public projects such as sports fields or public parks
  • Planting trees
  • Educating the community on their utilities and the environment by creating environmental learning centers, providing tours, or conducting lab experiments

With the town of Leesburg, Virginia, creating its own soil amendments from biosolids and Avon Lake Regional Water working with local schools to educate students on all things water-related, it appears that their efforts are really getting noticed. By taking it upon themselves to become not just a utility provider but also a staple to their community, these utility companies ensure they’re doing more than just existing.

Instead of being indifferent to the presence of one’s utility provider, imagine actually being thankful for its existence. Holding true to any company wanting to stand out in their own community, philanthropy has a way of connecting with individuals on a personal level. How are you going the extra mile to leave a mark on your city?